Monday, January 19, 2009

15 Across: Use with 30 down

I know, I know--from the start, I promised not to write about work--only my lovely weekends. But this past weekend, while lovely and still technically going on (MLK day=holiday=markets closed=I can stay at home!), was different--work was woven throughout the past two days. It was the kind of work I love though, where I get to interact with others, go somewhere I've never been, and have some time to process and think through how I want to construct something.

It wasn't just work though--there was dancing, remeeting new friends, eating at a diner, going to Brooklyn, eating a clementine or two, returning shoes, watching "Emma," and crossword puzzles! I am slowly getting back into my crossword puzzle groove. My best was five years ago, when I was a freshman at NU. I used to sit in the back of my astronomy class and work on the NYtimes crossword puzzle--I could usually finish the Monday-Wednesday puzzles. But when "Highlights of Astronomy" came to an end, so did my daily crossword puzzle exercises (I must say that I love astronomy--stars, planets, black holes, all of it--i just didn't have the attention span needed to listen to the professor drone on and on about the calculations behind everything. Ah, but the those were captivating). But now, the crosswording part of my life has been resurrected and I will conquer the whole week.

On a side note:

Breakfast was perfect today! Normally I'm not too excited by morning food--other than of course the drink of the gods known to us mortals as coffee--but today's breakfast seemed especially wonderful. Maybe because I had time to make it, eat it in my room, and not on the go. Whole grain English muffin, greek yogurt with honey, coffee, and a cinnamon sugar spice "cookie". The rest of today will be work, attempting to organize some of my books, laundry and catching up on cards/letter writing.

Simply wonderful...

...Monday (just this once) Anna

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