Step One: Take a Bath
Using lavender Epsom salts and mint bubble bath (a lovely birthday gift from my dear friend Sarah), I relaxed in hot water, letting my mind wander. The last time I took a bath was about a year ago, in the apartment of another dear friend, Ms. Margaret Adsit (she's currently living her amazing life in Alaska). It was the height of thesis season--I was stressed beyond belief, wasn't sleeping more than 3 hours a night and the cold gray Chicago winter was getting to me. So, Margaret invited me over--we picked up pie, she drew me a bath, and for that night I let go of all of my obligations. Sitting in the water tonight, I started to miss her something terrible.
Step Two: Lotion
For some reason I've been shying away from lotion, except on my face. I changed it up tonight, using a lemongrass scented lotion I swiped from the hotel room my dad was staying in last week (he comes to New York for work once a month or so). The lotion feels refreshing...smooth.
Step Three: Tea
Instead of downing coffee immediately when I got home, I opted for water. And then before bed, tea. And appropriately named tea at that:
And now to bed...
....Sweet Dreams.
i am useful :) i hope it was sudsy enough for you! :)
If you want to go for the less sophisticated but still extremely bubbly Mr. Bubbles kind of rocks my socks off because of said bubbles and the nostalgic smell of baby bath time...
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