Monday, February 2, 2009

Lost and found

I found my necklace! And now there is much cause for rejoicing. I don't usually wear jewelery--maybe earrings once a week or some bracelets, and a necklace on special occasions. But this necklace, a small silver lower-case script "a" rarely left my throat and chest for roughly a year. Then came the packing and the leaving Chicago, the throwing of all my stuff in this box and that bin and these suitcases and those bags. Somewhere in all of that, my necklace was misplaced. I was surprised at how upset I was about it at first--I'd left earrings at friends' houses, lost bracelets in the ocean and my high school ring had disappeared about a month after I picked it up at school. I'm still not sure why this was different--it just was. After rooting through my sweater bin, the "a" is back around my neck.

This weekend was spent with my lovely Rebecca--I'm going to miss her so much when she returns to the Midwest...

...Weekend Anna

1 comment:

homemayde said...

you know that white gold cross that I wear a lot? it had gone missing and it was making me really uneasy because i am a really vigorous vacuumer and i always think i am vacuuming up necklaces without knowing it. in any case, i was having a rotten day a couple weeks ago, and feeling sad, and i reached for my magnificat reader that i keep on the nightstand, and it wasn't there.
i looked around, and finally under the bed (which was weird because there is barely any space between my bed and the nightstand) and it was laying flat on the floor...
with my cross laying on top of it!!!

totally st. anthony, obvi.

sister sarah christine o'hara

that was the longest blog comment... ever.