Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm going to Chicago!

It was one of those random whims that turned into reality because everything came together. I was sitting at work today, dreaming of the coming weekend--The Whitney as well as the Black Keys with the lovely Rebecca--when my mind started to wander to the following weekend...Valentine's Day weekend and President's Day weekend...which means no work on Monday...which means a three day weekend (the stuff that dreams are made on). I started to think about what I could do over those three days when it hit me--I could go somewhere, more specifically, I could go to Chicago. A quick survey of flights, a message to that beautiful Papermoon girl, and a click of a button, and I had myself a round trip ticket from Newark to O'Hare.

I'm so excited--Chicago means seeing dear friends, a trip to the Hopleaf, maybe a trip to the Unicorn Cafe in Evanston, and being in a familiar place, a place that feels like home.

I'm so excited...

...Weekend Anna

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